Whos that knocking at my door
Whos that knocking at my door

whos that knocking at my door

Section 296 of the New York State Human Rights Law Subsection 3-b (entitled Unlawful Discriminatory Practices), provides that: It is important to note that this practice is illegal under both federal and New York State law. The people engaging in this practice profit from buying the property at the lower price and then selling it to the particular protected class at a higher price. This causes homeowners to become fearful and makes them sell their property at a loss. “Blockbusting” refers to a practice, usually engaged in by real estate agents, real estate investors and real estate developers, used to frighten homeowners into selling their property by telling them that persons who are members of a particular protected class (e.g., minorities) are moving into their neighborhood, which will cause their property value to decline. These laws allow residents who do not wish to be solicited to register on a non-solicitation registry and the new laws provide for increased fines and penalties. However, due to the pressure tactics being used, some local municipalities and residents introduced and passed local laws to curtail and control door-to-door solicitation. Door-to-door solicitation, canvassing and peddling are not new phenomena and many municipalities throughout New York State have enacted, in one form or another, ordinances that regulate these activities. In response to the increased soliciting, canvassing and peddling, local communities, such as Orangetown and Clarkstown in Rockland County, have enacted new local ordinances establishing non-solicitation lists and registries. While the law clearly prohibits “blockbusting,” solicitation is not illegal and, provided one complies with the local laws of the municipality, it is permitted. There have also been allegations made that these individuals and businesses are engaging in “blockbusting,” which is illegal under federal and New York State law. These businesses and businesspersons are going to the homes of residents, without notice or valid permits, ringing doorbells and knocking on doors in an attempt to solicit business, sign up new customers and make offers to purchase homes from the residents.

whos that knocking at my door

Recently, in many communities throughout the Hudson Valley, there has been an increased incidence of door-to-door solicitation being engaged in by businesses and businesspersons, such as cable companies, real estate agents and real estate developers.

Whos that knocking at my door